
Browar Stu Mostów


Drunken Sailor

Porter - Baltic • 6,8% ABV • 14.11.2022

Banana Song

IPA - Other • 6,5% ABV • 29.08.2022

Bumblebee Lullaby

IPA - Other • 6,8% ABV • 22.08.2022

Boogie Nights

IPA - American • 6,5% ABV • 23.06.2022
The first production craft brewery in Wroclaw. The first Polish member of the Brewers Association and the medal winner at Brussels Beer Challenge 2015, 2016, Ratebeer Best 2016 and Konkurs Piw Rzemieślniczych 2016. Beer brewed based on unique recipes connecting tradition through WRCLW brand with craft beer revolution through Salamander brand.
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