X Anniversary 2/10 TDH New England DIPA, X Anniversary 2/10 TDH New England DIPA w/Orchestrated Minds - the second in a series of anniversary beers brewed in collaboration with friends from Orchestrated Minds Brewery.
A triple dry-hopped (TDH) DIPA is a novelty for our brewery. This beer is in the New England style – heavily hazy and focused on hop aroma. The dry hopping was divided into three stages. The first addition went into the fermenter just before pitching the cooled wort. The next portion was added during active fermentation for the so-called biotransformation process. The final addition was made at slightly lower temperatures to give the beer its finishing touch. The result is an incredibly fruity and full-flavored brew.
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× Orchestrated Minds Brewing
Стиль: IPA - Imperial / Double New England / Hazy
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Начало выпуска: 25.11.2024
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