X Anniversary 4/10 Imperial Baltic Porter, X Anniversary 4/10 Imperial Baltic Porter - fourth in a series of anniversary beers brewed in collaboration with friends from Hidden Springs.
This is a mutual collaboration – a similar base beer was brewed, then supplemented in the final stages to recreate popular desserts from each region. In Wrocław (PL), Guava Pastelitos, a very popular snack in Tampa (FL, USA), was replicated. Meanwhile, Hidden Springs tackled plum-streusel yeast cake, a classic dessert in Poland.
Traditional long aging, preceded by extended fermentation, ensures this beer spends over two months in the tank. Dark notes are present but do not dominate as they might in an Imperial Stout. The selected ingredients offer a light sweetness and a distinctly tropical character. All of this is complemented by dessert-like aroma.
Browar Stu Mostów
× Hidden Springs Ale Works
Стиль: Porter - Baltic
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Начало выпуска: 13.01.2025
Сейчас это пиво не продаётся в барах и магазинах в городе Минск.
Пиво X Anniversary 4/10 Imperial Baltic Porter можно купить в городе
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