Vegor, Vegor is a mindful guy. He's vegan and only drinks specialty coffee. First, he got two new arms. So he could carry more of his precious ice cream horns. But since he was a child, he had the dream to travel the world. Now he's older and knows flying by plane would be unsustainable, right? Instead he evolved to the meta-world. Now he's able to travel through time and space. Of course he’d never forget about his roots. He still loves his snacks and travels with four scoops of ice-cream around him at all times. Ready to satiate or share with new friends. If they’re lucky.
De Moersleutel
Стиль: Stout - Imperial / Double Pastry
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Начало выпуска: 23.11.2022
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