Indulgence 17, As you know, we never use adjuncts for our Indulgence. Instead, we let the barrels do the talking. For Indulgence 17, we’ve taken the rare Eau de Vie barrels from our friends at The Stillery, a local craft distillery, and created a blend with the richness of triple pot still Irish whiskey barrels. The result is a symphony of flavors that combines the refined essence of cognac and brandy-like notes with the smooth character of Irish whiskey. With every sip, you’ll discover new layers of complexity and smoothness as delicate aromas come together with bold undertones on your palate. It’s a unique fusion that we were excited to develop and now share with you.
This Indulgence has an ABV of 14% and we advise to serve it at a temperature of 12 °C.
De Moersleutel
Стиль: Stout - Imperial / Double
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Начало выпуска: 21.02.2024
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