Indulgence 16, As the end of the year is near, we’re crafting the year’s final masterpiece – a barrel aged beer like no other. We’ve chosen the crème de la crème of bourbon barrels and combined four different and very rare barrels: Weller, Willet, Pappy Van Winkle and Woodford Reserve, to infuse our beer with unparalleled character.
The result is a sensory revelation. Boasting a rich aroma of booziness, caramel, and a touch of biscuity sweetness. Hints of molasses, fruitiness, and a delicate peaty note. A sip reveals a full-bodied, bourbon-infused flavor, transforming into a beautiful dark chocolate finish.
As you know, no adjuncts are used for our Indulgence; this is all beer, barrels and craft.
What you have here is our tribute to the best bourbon barrels available. A fitting close to an indulging year. Thank you for enjoying Indulgence with us.
De Moersleutel
Стиль: Stout - Imperial / Double
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Начало выпуска: 18.11.2023
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