Indulgence 15, We’re proud to present an honorable new member to the Indulgence Family. We’re thrilled to introduce exciting Moscatel wine barrels, which we’ve never used before, combined with our beloved Glenrothes ex sherry single malt whisky barrels.
The Glenrothes ex Sherry barrels bring Sherry-infused depth with velvety caramel and dried fruit hints, while the Moscatel barrels add sweetness with grape and floral notes.
This stout beautifully combines two special grains. The ancient grain, spelt, brings a touch of nutty richness and subtle earthiness. Meanwhile, rye, known for its bold and spicy character, adds a satisfying kick that pairs perfectly with the flavours drawn from the barrels.
Aromas of boozy richness, caramel sweetness, biscuity comfort, molasses depth, and subtle fruitiness greet your senses. The flavour is full-bodied, featuring recognizable bourbon notes and a boozy dark chocolate finish.
Sip and let your soul be warmed up. This is Indulgence 15.
De Moersleutel
Стиль: Stout - Imperial / Double
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Начало выпуска: 27.10.2023
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