Indulgence 11, Indulgence No. 11, a Moersleutel Craft Brewery original, is a sumptuous blend of barrel-aged barley wine and stout, aged in both scotch and bourbon barrels. This beer showcases the best of both worlds, with a rich and complex flavor profile that is both indulgent and satisfying. With woody and leathery notes, along with hints of liquorice and a smooth, low roast character, this beer is the perfect balance of bold and smooth flavors. Notes of bourbon and scotch, as well as vanilla, raisins, toffee, and a dry finish, make Indulgence No. 11 an unforgettable beer experience. Treat yourself to this luxurious beer, and get ready to be transported to a world of indulgence.
De Moersleutel
Стиль: Strong Ale - Other
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Начало выпуска: 18.02.2023
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