Wild Pirate, -Brewmaster's Collective Exclusive- The mention of pirates in any context conjures visions of the sea, of brave men throwing caution to the wind, and of risky decisions ideally met with great reward. So be it with our new offering of Wild Pirate. Be forewarned, them barrels be possessed with the ghosts of harvest past. This treasure begins with a sour brown ale, aged in bourbon barrels for 3 years. The grog was then aged an additional 5 months in freshly emptied Barbados rum barrels. The entire haul was finally fermented on the sweet, red juices of the locally grown Monterey strawberry and then parlayed with a certain Madagascar vanilla bean scavenged from across the seas. Yo Ho Ho in a barrel of Rum!
Firestone Walker
Стиль: Wild Ale - American
Алкоголь: 6,5%
Начало выпуска: 01.02.2022
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