Rock Fantasy, Rock Fantasy recently celebrated 33 years in business and is one of our favorite places on the Middletown tour. It’s a two minute walk from the brewery and a frequent destination for all of the guest breweries that swing into town. Non-assuming from the front, this legendary music and pinball shop will blow your mind. When you walk into the back room, the bright fluorescent colors, vintage pinball machines, heavy metal music, and retro concert posters will totally mess with your head and transport you to a different time and place in the best way possible. When we brought our friends from Verdant Brewing there, it became clear we needed to make a beer along the same lines, a total assault on your mind and reality.
We started with a big dose of wheat and oats and used a matching hop bill for both the whirlpool and dry hop featuring equal amounts of Hull melon, Mandarina Bavaria, Barbe Rouge, Enigma, Galaxy, and Nelson. Just like its namesake, it’s a total blast with a very exotic variety of flavor. It has strong melon notes coupled with citrus, berry, and currant undertones. It’s pretty dank too, which we found fitting for the name. The finish is a smooth citrus-melon-berry combo with our #EQjuice profile. It’s a super fun beer named after a super fun place.
Equilibrium Brewery
× Verdant
Стиль: IPA - Imperial / Double
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Начало выпуска: 03.08.2019
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