Eestar Dhoop, Eestar Dhoop
Apricot Brandy Barrel-Aged Imperial Coconut Peach Bergamott Vanilla Tonka Bean & Cinnamon Stout
This barrel-aged beer is a true seasonal celebration. A black liquid that anifests a slow walk through a vibrant marketplace full of sights, sounds, and smells. Joyous!
Seasonal beers are all the rave. A stout for winter, something crisp or sour for summer. A rustic lager when the mercury falls again. Some seasons, however, are paradoxes. At the same time, they require a beer and are not sure what beer they require.
Easter is one of those seasons. What is an easter beer? Should it just be a re-labeled Christmas beer? A lighter stout? Something promising that summer will come again? We figured, what the hell. An easter beer can be anything! So we made this.
Eestar means easter in Hindi, and dhoop can translate to incense. Because that’s how this beer feels, tastes, and plays out. It’s all over the place and yet so complexly together simultaneously. Guess it’s a paradox. Just like an excellent easter beer should be. Duality!
Dugges Bryggeri
Стиль: Stout - Other
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Начало выпуска: 14.02.2023
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