9+9=Stout, 9+9=Stout
Birthday Stout
9+9 Years / Dugges Beers
This year, 2023, we are turning 9+9=18 years old! As part of the celebrations, we brewed this beer. A 9+9 Stout as a big hip hip hooray. Dugges!
We've come a long way. On April 24, 2005, Mikael Dugge Engström brewed the first-ever batch of Dugges beer. We were a one-man show with a makeshift kit at the far end of a forgotten industrial estate.
Fast forward to April 2020 and our 15th birthday. We were going to celebrate it in style. A nationwide, three-day tap takeover celebration. We brewed three unique beers. Had the merch all lined up. Planning happenings, travel, and launches. Then reality happened, and the world shut down. We waited, and we waited. Now finally, we're back!
On April 24, 2023, we turn 18 and will celebrate it in style. For the occasion, we've again brewed three unique beers, a stout, a sour, and a DIPA. All 9% with 9 flavors or hops. Why? Because 9+9=18!
This is 9+9=Stout! A 9% and 9 adjuncts stout. We’ve got, coconut, muscovado sugar, coffee, cacao, licorice, vanilla, tonka bean, cinnamon and cardamom in there. It’s lovely! Come celebrate with us! Hurra! Hurra! Hurra! Hurra!
Dugges Bryggeri
Стиль: Stout - Other
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Начало выпуска: 13.04.2023
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