Brunehaut Blanche Organic & Gluten Free
• 5,5% ABV
• 15 IBU
Brunehaut Blanche Organic & Gluten Free, A classic Belgian 'white beer' from the Hainaut region in the southwest Belgium, near the French border. Top-fermented and bottle-conditioned, this is a clean, refreshing regional 'artisan' beer.
Presents a light hazy yellow colour with citrus and coriander aromas and fairly subtle malt and hops on the palate. The finish is dry and satisfying. Hazy yellow golden colour. Lemon custard, lime zest, and delicate spice melange aromas. Well-balanced, a frothy entry leads to a dryish medium body of nuts, baked oranges, and slightly phenolic mineral flavors. Finishes with a metallic ore dust, salt, and dried lemon fade. This beer is certified as organic, also vegan.
Brasserie de Brunehaut
Стиль: Gluten-Free
Алкоголь: 5,5%
Горечь: 15 IBU
Начало выпуска: 21.08.2010
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