Abbaye de Saint-Martin Blonde Organic
Belgian Blonde
• 6,8% ABV
• 19 IBU
Abbaye de Saint-Martin Blonde Organic, Look: A golden straw colour, with a strong foam once opened then the bubbles gently rise to the top and a good head remains.
Nose: Sharp, lively and nervous, fermentation with a touch reminiscent of a flowery cheese.
In the mouth: A round, balance and full flavour. In the mouth it is floral, elegant and direct, almost feminine. A great beer that perfectly suits cheeses with a hard crust or some fine Bries and Camemberts.
The aftertaste has a noble bitterness.
Brasserie de Brunehaut
Стиль: Belgian Blonde
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Горечь: 19 IBU
Начало выпуска: 22.12.2010
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