Nanobot, Nanobot, our take on a low ABV IPA – a style we affectionately term the Super Session IPA! Brewed to a perfectly poised 2.8% the newest member of our core range gives you even greater choice without ever having to compromise on flavour. Ideal for a summertime afternoon session, a weeknight treat, or pretty much any other occasion you can think of, Nanobot provides all the hop forward flavour at a lower ABV.
Nanobot is packed with power hitting citrus notes of grapefruit and tangerine, a tropical twist of pina colada and a refreshing piney bitter finish all from a Sabro and Simcoe dry hop to give you the full body and flavour of a 5% IPA at an ABV that you can session for hours.
Стиль: IPA - Session
Алкоголь: 2,8%
Горечь: 25 IBU
Начало выпуска: 27.04.2020
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