Lazer Crush, Heavyweight flavour, featherweight ABV. Our in your face IPA, that just happens to be alcohol-free.
When we decided to brew an AF IPA, we wanted to roll a bit differently. Rather than brewing with small amounts of malt or dealcoholizing after fermentation, for Lazer Crush we used a clever strain of yeast that fully ferments our crisp pilsner malt without producing alcohol and adds a hint of peachy fruit to boot. Then we laid down some heavy-duty hops. Azacca for ripe mango with a hint of fresh pine, Amarillo gives bags of sweet orange and Citra adds the zesty citrus and grapefruit bitterness that we all want in an IPA.
The result is a rocket-fueled, turbocharged, laser-sharp IPA at a Monday to Sunday crushable 0.3%
Стиль: Non-Alcoholic Beer - Other
Алкоголь: 0,3%
Горечь: 35 IBU
Начало выпуска: 03.10.2020
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