


Theakston Pale Ale

Pale Ale - English • 4,5% ABV • 11.03.2016

Barista Stout

Stout - Coffee • 4,2% ABV • 25.12.2014

Theakston IPA

IPA - English • 5,1% ABV • 25.12.2014


Blonde / Golden Ale - English • 4,1% ABV • 04.04.2011


Bitter - Extra Special / Strong (ESB) • 4,5% ABV • 13.11.2010

Best Bitter

Bitter - Best • 3,8% ABV • 07.11.2010

Old Peculier

Old / Stock Ale • 5,6% ABV • 23 IBU • 21.08.2010
T&R Theakston Ltd is an independent, family brewing company founded in 1827 located in the Yorkshire Dales market town of Masham, North Yorkshire. The company is controlled and run by direct descendents of the founder Robert Theakston, great-great grandsons, Simon, Nick, Tim and Edward Theakston. Theakstons is one of Britain’s few remaining traditional family brewing companies. The company is a member of the British Beer and Pub Association , the Independent Family Brewers of Britain and a supporter of the Government’s Drinkaware campaign, CAMRA and Pub is the Hub. The company takes pride in its track record as craft brewing innovators; brewing a wide range of cask, brewery conditioned and bottled ales for the UK domestic and several overseas markets. Among the beers produced is Theakston Old Peculier, a beer for which the company is renowned. The 19th century brewery is of a traditional ‘tower’ construction, containing many of the original features, thus upholding the great traditions of the English top-fermented brewing method
Места продажи сортов пивоварни
Минск, ул. Селицкого, 65
Телефон: +375 29 563-10-33
Минск, Щомыслицкий с/с 32/2
Минск, ул. Налибокская, 1
Телефон: +375 29 784-49-01
Минск, ул. Киселёва, 20
Телефон: +375 44 774-46-67
0,25 л. (разливное)
Br 11,00
0,56 л. (разливное)
Br 21,00
0,25 л. (разливное)
Br 11,00
0,56 л. (разливное)
Br 21,00
0,25 л. (разливное)
Br 11,00
0,56 л. (разливное)
Br 21,00
Минск, ул. Лобанка, 101
Телефон: +375 33 378-27-77
0,50 л. (бутылка)
Br 15,00
0,50 л. (бутылка)
Br 15,00
0,50 л. (бутылка)
Br 15,00
Минск, ул. Октябрьская, 23
Телефон: +375 29 222-20-64
Минск, ул. Тимирязева, 74А
Телефон: +375 29 788-38-09

Сорта пивоварни Theakston можно купить в других городах: Валерьяново, Борисов, Витебск, Копище.

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