
Strathcarron Brewery

Brewing started at Strathcarron Brewery in March 2016 after a major facelift to the old byre at Arinackaig. Martin Phillips and Paul Pearce came up with the idea in 2014 and roped in long time homebrewer Colin Parsons to help out. The intention was a small part-time enterprise for the three of us, just supplying local pubs and shops. Last year Colin did a short course at Brewlab and we purchased a 2.5 barrel set up from David Porter (PBC). Using the fresh West Highland water from our own spring we will be producing a range of traditional ales. Our beer is now available at the Strathcarron and Lochcarron Hotels and bottled beer is the local shops and restaurants. Initial reaction has been very positive, and our first beer 'Red Cow' is far out-selling what we had anticipated.
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