Wild Creatures

Meditation (2020)

Lambic - Gueuze • 6,8% ABV
  • Meditation (2020), The purest and most challenging of our beers, Meditation is a blend of ales that have been barrel-aged for between one and three years. The older ales offer a dry, oak character while the younger ones reveal softer, sweeter tones. This is a real hallmark of our blending process as well as the wild creatures of the Mikulov area.
  • Пивоварня: Wild Creatures
  • Стиль: Lambic - Gueuze
  • Алкоголь: 6,8%
  • Начало выпуска: 23.08.2022
  • Оценка: N/A
Места продажи пива

Сейчас это пиво не продаётся в барах и магазинах в городе Минск.

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Недавние сорта

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