Dreaming Of... DDH Mosaic, The Dreaming Of... series, where we explore our favourite hop varieties through the medium of a single hop DDH IPA, returns with an entry we are shocked we haven't got around to brewing before. Mosaic is a mainstay here at Track; it's a major player in the flavour profile of Sonoma. In fact, it's only a couple years older than Sonoma, first entering the market in 2012.
For this beer and the coming year, Matt and Harry have hand selected Mosaic from Lakeside Ranches, a farm in Salem, Oregon established by fourth generation hop growers Erica and Jake Lorentz. Their Mosaic has the best of everything the hop can be; intense tropical fruitiness underpinned by delicate florality and grassy freshness. We have given it the room to speak for itself by solely (double) dry-hopping this IPA with the fresh 2024 crop and we feel it champions the variety in the way it deserves.
Track Brewing Company
Стиль: IPA - New England / Hazy
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Начало выпуска: 17.02.2025
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