Out of Office, Working your tail off in a dead-end job and losing your passion? Put your ‘Out of Office’ mode on and leave your desk, for good. That’s what we did. This hoppy and refreshing Session IPA is all about pursuing your dreams, even if it’s just for a moment. This is a perfect beer for after office hours and of course for those moments where you need a beer with character, but less buzz.
This lightweight beast is hopped with Simcoe, Cascade and Centennial hops, packed with tropical fruit, grapefruit and hints of piney notes. This Session IPA has 4,5% ABV and it’s very hoppy.
This lightweight classic is one of Sori's first recipes that has been commercially brewed from 2013.
Gluten Free & Vegan Friendly
Sori Brewing
Стиль: IPA - Session
Алкоголь: 4,5%
Горечь: 55 IBU
Начало выпуска: 19.05.2015
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