Orkney Brewery

Corncrake Ale

Blonde / Golden Ale - Other • 4,1% ABV
  • Corncrake Ale, Corncrake is an irresistible golden ale. New world hops compliment the biscuity pale malt, to provide a thirst-quenching ale, with fruit flavours of lemon, apricot and peach. Named after the rare and elusive bird which migrates to Orkney to breed. One such bird landed in front of the brewery, so we decided to honour our new feathered friend, with a brew dedicated to its endeavour. Pair with fried food, white meat and apple pie.
  • Пивоварня: Orkney Brewery
  • Стиль: Blonde / Golden Ale - Other
  • Алкоголь: 4,1%
  • Начало выпуска: 25.03.2011
  • Оценка: 3.412
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