Barrel Aged Series: Leann Folláin (Edition 9), The ninth edition of our award winning O’Hara’s Barrel Aged Series sees our Leann Folláin aged in oak Irish Whiskey barrels to create a stout that is best when opened quickly and enjoyed slowly. To craft this truly unique beer we fill casks which were previously used for 100% single malt Whiskey with our full bodied and rich O’Hara’s Leann Folláin Extra Irish Stout. The stout is then aged in the barrels for 3 months where it picks up all the intricate flavours of the whiskey and subtle characteristics from the carefully selected oak cask. After aging, we then bottle condition the beer to give a gentle carbonation, bringing out the best of both the stout and the whiskey.
O’Hara’s Brewery
Стиль: Stout - Foreign / Export
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Начало выпуска: 19.11.2019
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