Northern Monk × Wylam

Patrons Project 27.03 // British Culture Archive // Crowd For The Summer // Wylam Brewery // DDH IPA

IPA - English • 6,8% ABV • 20 IBU
  • Patrons Project 27.03 // British Culture Archive // Crowd For The Summer // Wylam Brewery // DDH IPA, For the third installment of our British Culture Archive series that showcases British hops, we brought in Geordie beer legends Wylam - a no-brainer considering their reputation for a midas touch with all things hop-forward. We dialed the dry-hop up to an equivalent of 32 g/l and, with some gentle support from Citra Incognito, El Dorado, and Amarillo for their distinct orange juice and pineapple notes, but ensuring to put the under-appreciated UK hop Ernest in the spotlight. Ernest combines notes of apricot with a distinctively British spice character.
  • Пивоварни: Northern Monk × Wylam
  • Стиль: IPA - English
  • Алкоголь: 6,8%
  • Горечь: 20 IBU
  • Начало выпуска: 20.07.2021
  • Оценка: 3.996
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