PATRONS PROJECT 13.04 // TANKPETROL // OMEGA VORTEX // OTHER HALF // EQUILIBRIUM // DOUBLE IPA, Carrying on where last year’s DDH IPA Infinity Vortex took off, we stepped up to DIPA territory increasing the hops in the process.
Brewed with a soft, rounded water profile and a simple base grist of extra pale malted barley with plenty of flaked oats, we put together a beer which was not only packed with everyone’s favourite juicy hop flavours but one which was also backed up with plenty of dank, resinous pine. In the whirlpool we used Simcoe, a hop
still considered the industry standard in dankness. We then dry-hopped in three stages, including a generous mid-fermentation first addition, using Citra BBC and Mosaic for maximum tropical notes and modern classic in Chinook, guaranteed to bring plenty of grapefruit, spice and pine to the mix.
Northern Monk
× Other Half
× Equilibrium Brewery
Стиль: IPA - Imperial / Double New England / Hazy
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Горечь: 23 IBU
Начало выпуска: 09.05.2019
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