Eternal, A product brewed for almost 7,000 years, a quest for perfection that never ends. Citrusy, light and refreshing. To Eternity.
Our flagship beer is a World Beer Cup award-winning session IPA that's low in ABV but high in hops. Appropriately named Eternal, this feather-bodied flavour bomb is fit to uplift your body and soul any time of day, any season of year.
True to style, the recipe was envisioned to offer the hit of a generously hopped IPA, but with the sessionability of a classic English pale ale. Simcoe and Centennial hops dominate this light blonde beer with a swathe of tangerine aroma and a sublimely quenching citrus pith aftertaste that lingers on and on and on... eternally.
Northern Monk
Стиль: IPA - Session
Алкоголь: 4,1%
Горечь: 45 IBU
Начало выпуска: 12.12.2014
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