North X Good Things Brewing Co Barleywine, Good Things Brewing are the first closed loop, fully sustainable brewery in the UK. They bore their own water, create their own power, and turn their spent brewers grain into flour. Their brewery is powered by solar panels, which also recharge their electric delivery van.We were able to host some of the team from Good Things last autumn in Leeds. They gave us some much appreciated advice on sustainability at Springwell, and we brewed up a barley wine together. This is our first barley wine, and is one to sip and savour.Made using Golden Promise, Chevalier and Red Crystal malts as well as English Bullion hops, it's silky smooth, has bright and fresh hop profile, complex malt character, soft banana, bruised apple, warming spice and light in body and finishes with juicy blackcurrant tones. It's honestly an experience to drink.
North Brewing Co.
× Good Things Brewing Co
Стиль: Barleywine - English
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Начало выпуска: 01.03.2021
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