
Popiel: Rotbier

Lager - Rotbier • 6,8% ABV • 35 IBU
  • Popiel: Rotbier, Inspiration is a pretty unpredictable thing, because you never know where it will come from. That's exactly what happened with this іbrew, because we were inspired at different times and from different sources. The legendary Franconian smoked lagers of Schlenkerla caught our attention first, then the Canadian masters of Godspeed Brewery with their interest in the Scottish tradition of using peat malts caught our attention. And now, in the middle of winter, we present you our strong, warming red lager in the Franconian style with a blend of smoked and peated malts. A reliable lager strain, a juicy color, balanced flavors of sweet prunes, black bread with caraway and bright aromas of cherry pits create a truly unique lager, which is so perfect for a slow winter evening in your favorite bar.
  • Пивоварня: Malanka
  • Стиль: Lager - Rotbier
  • Алкоголь: 6,8%
  • Горечь: 35 IBU
  • Начало выпуска: 31.01.2025
  • Оценка: 4.259
Места продажи пива
Минск, пр-т. Дзержинского, 122
Телефон: +375 29 313-28-69
0,50 л. (Разливное)
Br 9,00
1,00 л. (Разливное)
Br 18,00
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