Krakaziabra, How to congratulate your favorite bar on its birthday? Exactly - with a special beer. What should such a variety be? A unique super-strong imperial stout, triple dry-hopped triple IPA? Probably, but not this time. We congratulate our Malanka Taproom on its fourth birthday with the brew that started it all for us - the classic West Coast IPA. This is the beer that we, and we hope you, are ready to drink always, and we will never get tired of it. Tasty, bitter, loaded with Citra hops, no fish, the name, as always, written on some Krakaziabra, nothing is clear. Happy birthday, our beloved bar!
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Хотите знать, что стоит на кранах в вашем любимом баре? Без проблем! Присоединяйтесь к сервису, который облегчает жизнь всем собственникам заведений и любителям пива.