Space Rainbow - Batch 2, With the goal of creating something smooth, pillowy, whimsical, and wholesome, and all the things that remind us of rainbows,
we used plenty of oats and wheat, a whirlpool of Citra and Rakau, and then dry hopped it with Galaxy, Rakau, and Citra. We added a touch of lactose to make it extra smooth and pillowy.
The beer pours hazy and milky yellow with a puffy and lacy head giving a full prism of flavors including soft papaya, lime, apricot, and pineapple with a touch of pine. This beer is soft and has a luscious and cushy mouthfeel and a beautiful EQ juice finish.
Equilibrium Brewery
× Homage Brewing
Стиль: IPA - Imperial / Double
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Начало выпуска: 08.02.2021
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