Players 1 - Batch 2, Players 1 (Batch 2) is an American Imperial Stout brewed with Madagascar vanilla beans, Fiji cacao nibs, toasted coconut, and Mostra Coffee ghost bear espresso. No lactose was harmed in this beers creation. It pours jet black with a beautiful deep tan head. The dynamics of the relative adjunct strength shift as the beer warms and time lengthens. Batch 2 has the same creamy flavor of some of our favorite things: coffee at first and then a transformation to chocolate brownie batter sprinkled with toasted coconut flakes followed by notes of vanilla-marshmallow to balance it out.
Equilibrium Brewery
× Three Chiefs Brewing Co.
Стиль: Stout - Pastry
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Начало выпуска: 17.02.2021
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