Data Points, A data point or observation is a set of one or more measurements on a single member of unit of observation. All our beers across all our styles are based on data points. We felt it was the perfect name to test our newly hand selected Mosaic Hops. Starting off with a big base of oats and wheat, we aggressively hopped this beer with our 2020 hand selected mosaic lot in both the whirlpool and the dry hop.
Data Points pours a hazy electric yellow with a sweet aroma of citrus and berry with flavors of navel orange, mango, herbal blueberry, earthy lime peel, and the Devil’s Lettuce. The #EQjuice builds up into a creamy and complex finish with a pop of juiciness lending data that shows we truly do love our new Mosaic.
Equilibrium Brewery
Стиль: IPA - Imperial / Double
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Начало выпуска: 20.11.2020
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