Black Albert, This is not as much a beer as it is an experience. Originally brewed for Ebenezer’s Pub in Lovell, Maine (USA), this beer is a tribute to Albert II, sixth king of the Belgians. Nicknamed ‘laughing king’, it is only fitting that the beer named after him should put a big smile on your face. And we can safely say it does. This big mother of a Russian Imperial Stout is often considered one of our true classics.
Despite the 13% ABV, you’ll find Black Albert to be dangerously drinkable. With its thick, tar-like body, it’s definitely a sipper, but the alcohol is very well-hidden. It pours pitch black and retains a strong caramel-colored head, despite the ABV. Every sip bombards you with roasty bitterness and the unique sweetness of real Belgian candy sugar. Black Albert: get tattoo’ed from the inside.
De Struise Brouwers
Стиль: Stout - Russian Imperial
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Горечь: 100 IBU
Начало выпуска: 21.08.2010
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