Gulden Draak Smoked, For the creation of the Gulden Draak Smoked, we go back to the ancient tradition of malt drying: smoking malt. This resulted in a smoked touch of the malt which you afterwards also could find in the beer. This typical smoky taste was lost over the years because the malt drying techniques were made considerably more efficient.
The use of smoked malt in combination with the specialty of Brewery Van Steenberge has a spectacular result: a heavy quality beer of high fermentation with a secondary fermentation in the bottle, baptized as Gulden Draak Smoked. The smoked malt in the recipe gives the beer a velvety soft roasted taste.
Brouwerij Van Steenberge
Стиль: Smoked Beer
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Начало выпуска: 20.06.2019
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