Nanny State (1.1% ABV), Nanny State is mild imperial ale containing more hops per barrel than any other beer ever brewed in the UK. It is an extraordinary little ale jammed full of all the brewer’s favourite hops giving it as much body and mouthy feel as possible, ensuring that low strength does not translate into reduced flavour. Nanny State, takes the low ABV hop-bomb concept to the next level and is so low in alcohol it is below the legal classification of beer and not strong enough to be subject to beer duty. We believe we have created a new beer category - The Imperial Mild - with Nanny State and How to Disappear Completely.
Стиль: Non-Alcoholic Beer - Other
Алкоголь: 1,1%
Горечь: 45 IBU
Начало выпуска: 22.06.2011
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