Yes Marm, Sour & Bitter, no we’re not talking about your ex, we’re talking “Yes Marm”, Release 3 of 4 in our 2023 single barrel series.
Yes Marm is a blend of saisons, aged up to 2 1/2 years in oak barrels. Initially fermented with our Morrigan house yeast, the barrel bugs took over after transfer. Inspired by his love of bitter, chunky Seville Orange marmalade, Richard added about 5Kgs of his own homemade secret recipe to the barrel prior to bottling. The result is a crisply sour beer with a lingering citrus bitterness. A lively effervescence dances on the tongue, and is followed up by a faint “bready” sweetness.
Crisp sourness with a citrus bitterness and a light bready sweetness. Effervescent and refreshing. Serve cold, from the fridge.
Black Donkey Brewing
Стиль: Sour - Other
Алкоголь: 6,7%
Горечь: 22 IBU
Начало выпуска: 07.06.2023
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