Hive Mind, Barrel Conditioned Wild Ale with Honey.
And then there were four.
Hive Mind is release number four from our 2023 single barrel program. Limited to approx 700 individually numbered bottles, Hive Mind is a blend of barrel aged saisons, with 18 month aged Underworld Rua as its major component. A little maltier than its three predecessors, as you have probably guessed from its name, local wildflower honey was added to the barrel prior to packaging.
Lightly sour with notes of malt and oak, with a delicately bitter floral finish from the addition of the wildflower honey. Effervescent and refreshing. Serve 10-14℃.
Food Pairing
Pairs with soft bloomy cheeses, Dunbarra, Cooleeney, St Killian. Also great with garlic and herb braised mushrooms, and rich and savory, braised and stewed meats; oxtails, cheeks, shanks etc
Black Donkey Brewing
Стиль: Wild Ale - Other
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Начало выпуска: 05.07.2023
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