Chimay Spéciale Cent Cinquante, This special edition is a full bodied and distinctive strong beer developed within the abbey to celebrate and honour the 150th anniversary of the brewery. Produced with 100% natural ingredients, its pale golden robe and champagne sparkle is topped by a rich white head of foam. The distinctive bouquet evokes the rich fruity and complex notes of the Chimay yeast in harmony with a delicate spicy note and the fragrance of fresh noble hops. At 10% alcohol, the flavour is full bodied and complex with a slight but refreshing tang note and a crisp hop finish that will delight the palate.
Bières de Chimay
Стиль: Belgian Strong Golden Ale
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Горечь: 31 IBU
Начало выпуска: 07.06.2012
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