Chimay Grande Réserve (Blue) (2024), The Chimay Blue Cap, baptized "Grande Reserve" in 750 ml bottles is a dark Trappist beer with a powerful aroma, the complex flavor of which improves across the years. It was first brewed as a Christmas beer by the monks of Scourmont Abbey in 1956.
This authentic Belgian beer, whose tinge of fresh yeast is associated with a light rosy flowery touch, is particularly pleasant. Its aroma, perceived as one enjoys it, only accents the delightful sensations revealed by the odor, all revealing a light but agreeable caramelized note.
It is ideally served at cellar temperature (10 to 12°C).
Bières de Chimay
Стиль: Belgian Strong Dark Ale
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Горечь: 35 IBU
Начало выпуска: 22.02.2024
Сейчас это пиво не продаётся в барах и магазинах в городе Минск.
Пиво Chimay Grande Réserve (Blue) (2024) можно купить в городе
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