Devils Bit Mountain Cider, Traditional Irish Orchard Cider crafted from Dabinett, Michelin and Ashton Bitter apples grown in our very own family orchards. Devils Bit Mountain Cider is a multi-award winning, full bodied, medium dry cider which combines the age-old technique of cider making with the traditional bittersweet cider apple to create this wonderfully refreshing beverage. Recent awards include Ireland Cider Producer of the Year and a Gold Medal at the World Cider Championships.
Legend has it, that in chasing Fionn Mac Chumhaill, the Devil took a bite out of a certain Tipperary mountain leading to what is now known as Devils Bit Mountain. Having our orchards at the foot of this mystical mountain adds a certain something to our family's unique Irish cider.
Adams Cider Company
Стиль: Cider - Traditional / Apfelwein
Алкоголь: 6,0%
Начало выпуска: 23.02.2014
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