
United Gypsies Brewery

United Gypsies on perustettu tarjoamaan panimokapasiteettia ja ammattimaista apua oluen suunnitteluun, valmistukseen ja myymiseen kasvavalle määrälle kotimaisia ja ulkomaisia kiertolaispanimoita, joilla ei ole omia panimotiloja. ----- United Gypsies Brewery is founded in 2016 and we are located in Lohja, Finland. We got 500 liter capasity and we produce beer to restaurants, bars, firms and gypsies breweries. Idea of UG Brewery is that everyone can have they own kind of beer. Brewing equipments are expensive and it is very hard to find a place where to put them. That´s why UG Brewery got them all, so you don´t need to get worried. UG Brewery team is made up long term beer enthusiast. Small brewery culture is growing all the time and we want to be part of that growth. It has been great to see, that more often people are thinking about the beer and its story. UG Brewery goal is to provide high quality beer and create new experiences.
Места продажи сортов пивоварни

Сейчас сорта этой пивоварни не продаются в барах и магазинах в городе Минск.

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