
Steamworks Brewing Company

In 1995, when we first took hold of our historic Gastown Brewpub location, we discovered that the building had a rare steam heat system. A remnant from forward thinkers of a century past. Our Brewmaster had only read of steam powered brewing, but had never seen a functional steam brewery. These are very rare indeed. We ventured forth, experimented, and created a one-of-a-kind steam generated brewery. The only on in Canada. To our pleasure we found our test brews to be distinctively fresh and flavourful. For nearly 20 years, beer aficionados have been migrating to our Steamworks Brewpub for a taster of these unconventional beers. Now, with the advent of our bottled beers, you can take the brewpub experience home with you.
Места продажи сортов пивоварни

Сейчас сорта этой пивоварни не продаются в барах и магазинах в городе Минск.

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