
Seven Bro7hers Brewery

The older you get the more you start recognising the huge influence your parents had on you. From musical tastes to the way you shout at the telly! We all agree that our dad had a huge impact on us and he played a massive part in starting our interest in brewing beer. He was a dad who invested in a home brewing kit, which was his pride and joy. We could not help but be motivated by his sense of achievement. Creating a decent pint and getting the chance to show it off to his family and friends gave him huge enjoyment. Anyone can be inspired at the most unsuspecting of times. For one of us the idea of starting our own brewery began whilst living in Olso. There are brew pubs in abundance in this modern and cultural city. Back in the UK, in a night out in a craft beer bar the inspiration filtered into the potential of opening our own micro-brewery. Deep down we have always know that one day we would come together and take advantage of our shared passion for brewing and our desire to work as a team creating something worthwhile. The experience in Oslo was the catalyst in SEVEN BRO7HERS BREWERY becoming a reality. It became clear that our future would run hand in hand with our past. So we began to create and develop beers to show off to the world. We’re committed to making our beer the best it can be, striving with every fresh brew to improve on the last.
Места продажи сортов пивоварни

Сейчас сорта этой пивоварни не продаются в барах и магазинах в городе Минск.

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