Salama Brewing Company
We are a Finland-based independent craft brewery specialising in modern extravagant beers, especially aromatic hop-forward IPAs, silky Imperial Stouts and innovative mixed-fermentation ales. Founded by four craft beer loving friends in 2018 and now quickly expanding across the cosmos, our brewery is driven by friendship, shared passion for creativity and love for communal ethos of the craft beer culture. By keeping your taste buds and minds continuously intrigued, we aim to produce sensations that drive the electrical impulses in your brain wild and make you want to share your excitement with the world. We want to turn strangers into friends, friends into lovers and lovers into a family that cherishes megalomanic visions, strange stories and bad jokes that always seem to cross at least our minds after a few great brewskies.
Сейчас сорта этой пивоварни не продаются в барах и магазинах в городе Минск.
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