
Pressure Drop Brewing

Лондон, Британия
Pressure Drop was formed in 2012 by three friends. We started in a garden shed, moved to a railway arch, and now brew on a 20bbl kit in Tottenham. Even though we now operate on a larger scale, we still have the same focus on quality and innovation. We use the best ingredients to make the kind of beers we, as beer lovers, want to drink. We're a small team of people making the best beer that we can, in styles that we want to enjoy, and hope that you will too.
Места продажи сортов пивоварни

Сейчас сорта этой пивоварни не продаются в барах и магазинах в городе Минск.

Сорта пивоварни Pressure Drop Brewing можно купить в городе Львов.

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