We are artisan producers at the heart of Somerset’s cider-land, making sparkling cider by the old English method of keeving. Apples are collected from cider orchards around the parish of Pilton and slowly fermented for six months in our Victorian cellar before bottling. Keeving is an artisan method for making naturally sweetened cider. Only cider apples are used; no sugar, no water, nothing else. The process involves the formation of a pectin gel, which floats to the top of fresh-pressed apple juice in tanks. The gel traps nitrogen and is removed. Starved of its nutrients, the wild yeast fermentation stops early, leaving natural sugars from the apples themselves to sweeten the cider. Pilton is available bottled and on draught.
Сейчас сорта этой пивоварни не продаются в барах и магазинах в городе Минск.
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