Green Man Brewery
The legendary Green Man has existed for centuries but it’s no myth that he’s been brewing award-winning ales in Asheville since 1997. As one of North Carolina’s original breweries, Green Man has been producing some of the beer scene’s most iconic ales. Our offerings are consistently recognized for quality and loyalty to traditional English styles. Additionally, our brewers strive to bring innovative and exciting new flavors to beer-loving folks.
In 2010, new ownership and a fresh approach spurred evolutionary change at Green Man. No longer a brew pub, Green Man was able to focus on production, distribution, and growth. Continuing our evolution we have constructed a 3 story, 20,000 square ft., packaging hall, a “brewtique”, and an indoor/outdoor top floor taproom that overlooks production and the Blue Ridge Mountains! It is right here on the South Slope, next to “Dirty Jack’s” (which is still open) and our production brewery. Green Man has evolved into a respected and well-known brewery of traditional ales and impressive specialties with a keen eye for quality and consistency.
In 2022 Green Man celebrates a milestone 25th Anniversary, bringing back limited batches of classic retired styles freshly updated for the modern palate as well as continuing to explore and innovate with all new styles available in our tap rooms. Numerous and exciting new ventures are in the works as we celebrate our legendary past while looking forward to a green future.
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