Broken Chair Brewery
Broken Chair Brewery, like most small businesses started in a garage. After getting tired of settling for beers that were extreme in taste, flavor and hoppiness we wanted to create beers that everyone could enjoy. We wanted to make a large variety of beers so that everyone could find a beer they could drink. It took a lot of trial and error and sometimes pouring the beer down the drain until we had beers that we liked.
After years of brewing we decided to take our beer to the next level. It took several months to find a place to do this. We knew we wanted to be in West Reading because it is welcoming to small businesses and the community around Penn Avenue is also very supportive. The community is friendly and wiling to get involved in their neighborhood.
The tasting room is all brick that we found under a layer of stucco. This was a wonderful surprise that allowed us to keep the patch work tile floor that was there from the tile shop that was previously in the building. The environment is warm and relaxing. When you walk to the back you can see the brewery through a glass paneled door. The brewery is all stainless steel with a small 2 BBL brewing system. This small brewing system allows us to make a variety of different beers and the ability to rotate different beers when one has kicked.
Сейчас сорта этой пивоварни не продаются в барах и магазинах в городе Минск.
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