
Bread & Brewery

Bread and Brewery is a pico-brewery in Morisset founded by three crazy people who had an idea that they wanted to present to the world. At Bread and Brewery we have two main goals: First is to create delicious beer at a reasonable price; Second is to challenge everyone and how they view the term “waste”. Sure we could have built a state of the art brewery with brand new seating, tables, etc., but where would be the character? Instead we have endeavoured to recycle or upcycle nearly every aspect of Bread and Brewery’s location. From the living wall made from discarded pallets, to the unique little bar front joined together from various bits of salvage wood, and even our upcycled “keezer”. We wanted to show the world that maybe there is something else that can be done with those items that were destined for landfill.
Места продажи сортов пивоварни
Минск, ул. Руссиянова, 4
Телефон: +375 29 123-10-42
0,50 л. (Бутылка)
Br 13,50
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