


Phobos & Deimos

IPA - Rye • 6,8% ABV • 80 IBU • 01.11.2014
Founded in 2014 by Allan and Sarah, scientists by trade with a passion for beer after working all over the world. We began to think what the ethos would be of our ideal company. From that the Atom story began. Our ethos has not been just about making beer, our long-term goal is to create an educational environment to inspire students of all ages and build a community. We launched in 2014 in Hull, funded by family and friends. In 2018 we opened our first venue in Hull city centre, followed with our second venue in Beverley in 2020. We have produced hundreds of different beers, distributed across the UK and beyond. We aim to produce beer that is drinkable, approachable and flavoursome. Join our journey through science, beer and education.
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